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  • Writer's pictureSkylar Jennings

Commentary: Crime Alert: Safety at the Mecca

By Skylar Jennings; Staff Writer

October 26, 2022

To say Howard students have had their fair share of safety issues this semester would be an understatement. From bomb threats to being robbed by local children, Howard University students have been subject to countless threats to their safety. For the most part, it was not due to the university and those affiliated with it. I thought this was true until I was harassed during homecoming.

It was Saturday night and a group of friends and I were waiting in line for “Privilege,” a nightclub on U Street. On our walk from my apartment at The Wren to the club, my friends and I were subject to multiple catcalls, but nothing escalated further. During our wait in line, I got an urgent call and had to go back to my apartment immediately. I told my friends, one of whom is my teammate, that I had to go back. I begged my teammate to walk back with me; however, she was in a somewhat drunken state and implied that she was not leaving. Annoyed, I left the group and walked back to my apartment marking mistake number one.

During my walk, I passed the U Street/African-American Civil War Memorial/Cardozo metro stop where I was stopped by a man. He seemed to be a visitor or student celebrating homecoming. He approached me and asked for my name. Knowing I was alone and that I had an urgent matter to tend to, I completely ignored him and kept walking. I crossed the street and thought it was just another catcall; however, he followed me and kept asking if he could talk to me. At this point I was irritated. Could he not take a hint? I finally decided to talk to him just to leave me alone and that I was not interested.

He decided that he didn’t understand me, so I crossed a busy street and started walking on a median to get away from him. Scared of this stranger, I decided to pick up my pace to get home faster. Thinking I finally got away from him, I let my guard down and crossed the street to Florida Ave. Unfortunately, my fears came true and the same man continued to follow me. He started asking me why I wasn’t talking to him, and I exclaimed that I was not interested and that he needed to leave me the f— alone. He then asked, “I’m just trying to figure out what got you so angry.” I was finally near my apartment, and the man left me alone.

Although I was in the safety of my apartment, I feared that the man could get in or was staying with someone there. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a fun night with friends during homecoming turned into a nightmare. If you have a story like mine, please feel free to contact Howard University Department of Public Safety at 202-806-1100 and the university counseling services at 202-806-6870. If you are not comfortable with these university resources, make sure to confide in a trusted friend, and know that you are not alone.

University Health & Safety Resources

Interpersonal violence prevention program (IVPP): (202) 806-5113

Department of Public safety: (202) 806-1100

University counseling services: (202) 806-6870

Office of student services: (202) 238-2420

Title IX: (202) 806-2550

DC Rape Crisis Center: (202) 232-0789

DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence: (202) 299-1181

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