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Content surrounding events on campus or college life

College is an exciting time for many adolescents. It is a time for newfound freedom and valuable life lessons. Whether you want to hear about college experiences or hear about a lesson before you have to learn it, our college content has it all!

No more LSATs…by 2025

Skylar Jennings | 101 Magazine

Most prospective law students are all too familiar with the anticipation of preparing for law school. One of the most trying tasks during law school preparation is the Law School Admission Test, otherwise known as the LSAT. Rumor has it that the American Bar Association (ABA) is making plans to remove the...Click here to read the rest

The New Green Book: Where NOT to Dine in D.C.

Skylar Jennings | 101 Magazine

If you have ever been to Washington, D.C., you would know that Washingtonians take brunch very seriously. If you went to Howard University, you would know that brunch is a huge staple in Howard culture. Despite brunch being such a big staple in Chocolate City, there may have been multiple cases of racial and disability discrimination at some of your favorite brunch spots...Click here to read the rest

Commentary: Crime Alert: Safety at the Mecca

Skylar Jennings

To say Howard students have had their fair share of safety issues this semester would be an understatement. From bomb threats to being robbed by local children, Howard University students have been subject to countless threats to their safety...Click here to read the rest


Who is on the Howard University Yardfest Lineup?

Skylar Jennings & Alyse Martin

If you go to Howard, it is no surprise to you that the Yardfest lineup is a surprise! Watch as Howard Bison and guests share their predictions for the lineup of the 2022 Howard Homecoming Yardfest...Click here to watch the rest

Afro Latinx at the Mecca

Skylar Jennings

Although Howard is known as the mecca of Black education. Although there is a notion that Black people
from all walks of life are celebrated at the
mecca, there seems to be some disconnect
for Afro Latinx students...Click here to watch the rest

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Howard & Hungry: Food Insecurity at the Mecca

Skylar Jennings

To say Howard University is located in a food desert would be an understatement. Despite having over 10,000 students, the lack of accessibility to affordable and quality grocery stores...Click here to watch the rest

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Midterm Mindset: Multimedia Storytelling Reflection

Skylar Jennings

In this episode, I will be reflecting on my Multimedia Storytelling class with Dr. Patton. Do I like the class? Do I hate it? Find out in this video

Living Alone

Skylar Jennings

If you have been on the YouTube home page, you probably have seen a bunch of videos titled, "Living alone," or "My first apartment," where creators glamorize having their own apartments. I fell into that trap and soon regretted it. Listen as I discuss the decline in my mental health when I lived by myself for the first time. Listen here

Racism, it's as big as dog sh*t

Skylar Jennings

If you attend Howard University, you know that campus is surrounded by gentrification. From overpriced apartments on Florida Ave to the dilapidated buildings on Georgia Ave, there is a stark difference between Howard and...Click here to read more

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